

At Invectio our mission is to reduce pollution of the world through innovative solutions for waste management for the betterment of the planet.

There are many small changes we can make in our lives to help save the environment for future generations. By purchasing recycling bins, some items that might normally go into landfill can be recycled.

Our Promise

smart technologies

sustainable transactions

sustainable operations

cut energy use

“Save Today - Use Tomorrow”

Our Approach

In a year of upheaval where our bedrooms and kitchens became our offices and our local area became our entire world, it has never been more important to create places people love. Places where we can connect with the nature on our doorstep. Places where people have access to community, local shops, schools and other essentials. For Invectio, that also means playing our part to respond to the big challenges that go beyond our business; the challenges that can affect the health and happiness of our people, our communities and our environment. To do this, we must have a clear vision of what we want to do and an approach that is focused, ambitious and most importantly, impact-driven.

Invectio enables smarter trade to create a better future for everyone. Invectio’s “Save Today- Use Tomorrow” sustainability strategy guides our approach. It helps us to work in a responsible way that prioritises sustainability and impact on the people, communities and environment in which we operate.

Global trade has been an enormous force for good in recent decades. But it’s increasingly clear that this growth is not without consequence – from the scale of energy required to make, move and use goods to the resource intensity of logistics and the challenges economic growth can bring.

We do this by using new smart technologies to make our operations more sustainable. In doing so, we cut energy and resource use, and create a fairer and more connected planet. The “Save today- Use Tomorrow” strategy is designed to deliver responsible operations. At the same time, it prepares us for a radical shift in how business in general, and logistics in particular, respond to the great challenges of climate change, education and social inequality.